Friday, November 6, 2009

Is retaking the GOP the real goal of the Tea Party Movement?

November 6, 2009
By Mark Kreslins

I read an October 28, 2009 article by JB Williams over at Canada Free Press titled “Tangible Tea Party Tactics” in which Williams argues that a primary tactic should be to take over the GOP. Williams frames these tactics as tangible and at first glance, he would seem to be correct and perhaps even plausible. But, is that really the point of the Tea Party Movement? Is it really a movement that seeks to simply replace the current crop of liberal democrats in the Congress with a conservative group of republicans?

While I laud the idea and the passion behind it, I’m afraid this will fall well short of the wholesale change that is really needed in Washington DC and by change, I mean real change.

In President Clinton’s first campaign, James Carville coined a famous phrase that defined the Clinton Campaign…it’s the economy stupid! For the Tea Party Movement, our opposition to republican or democrat candidates should be summed up in another simple phrase…it’s the big federal government and two party system stupid! In my view, the battle between Dede Scozzafava and newcomer Doug Hoffman in NY-23 was really a proxy war between the conservative/Tea Party movement and status quo big federal government two party system. With Scozzafava knocked out the NRCC desperately tried to associate itself with Hoffman only to kick him to the curb when he lost…now that’s the kind of principle I can rally around.

The two-party system has failed miserably as sadly, both parties support the status quo…BIG GOVERNMENT and therein lies the problem.

The fundamental question is whether this is what the Founders desired?

If we believe the Founders wanted a HUGE bloated ever-encroaching federal bureaucracy, the current two-party system fits the bill. However, there’s one problem with this scenario, we have to assume the Founders failed to realize that one-half of the country would perpetually be angry at the other. They must have also failed to realize that this anger would at times be expressed in rather violent terms such as the one I heard yesterday as I attended the “Republican Rally” in Washington DC. One fella, standing about 15 feet away from me wasn’t content with the “kill the bill” chant. No, he had to modify it to “kill the traitors” chant of his own. Fortunately, not many people around him joined in the chant, but I wonder about his friends back home.

So, is the problem really that the GOP isn’t populated with enough “conservative republicans” (whatever that means) and that the republicans aren’t in control? My experience tells me that’s not the problem.

Think of it this way; let your mind wander to a time where the federal government isn’t allowed, by a binding constitution, to grow to its current size. What would life be like if the federal government was forced to reduce its spending (and thus our taxes) back to pre-New Deal days of say around 5% of GDP? That would take the current budget from $3.8 TRILLION down to a more manageable $700 Billion.

Now, with only $700 Billion to spend, perhaps the job of Congressman wouldn’t be as coveted as it is now. Perhaps the special interests wouldn’t be so tempted to gerrymander elections with less than noble intentions and the Congress would be left largely to focus on their Constitutional responsibilities listed in Article 1. Section 8. of the Constitution.

Hmmm, whatever would they do with their time!

Sadly, this can only be seen if we let our minds wander; for the reality is, the two-party system will never allow this dream to become a reality unless We the People make them. They love their ruling seats in the Congress. How do I know this? I saw it first hand as a Legislative Assistant back in the 1980’s. Lord Acton was indeed correct, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

So, the average Congressperson has no problem whispering into the constituent’s ear, “pssst, don’t worry, I’ll take care of you” all the while reaching behind you, taking out your wallet and slipping out a few more dollars along with our liberties and we reply, “ahhh, they really care for us.”

Nonsense! Until We the People conclude that the problem is the two-party system and its marriage to a HUGE bloated federal government, Congress will continue its drunken sailor spending even though I suspect most of us emphatically don’t want a $3.8 Trillion dollar government or a $105 Trillion dollar debt created by a VERY unpopular Congress. Do we really think the republicans will reduce this…really?

It’s been said that a parent will fight to the death to stop a threat their children. It’s my belief that most Tea Party Movement members feel their children are being threatened by the HUGE bloated centralized federal government. The question is, are they really ready to fight?

Most recently, the symbol of an all powerful all knowing federal government has taken the form of healthcare reform. Specifically, one party (democrats) ignores the recent polling while another (republican) ignores the extra-constitutional realities of healthcare reform on Capitol Hill paying mere lip service to its unconstitutionality. Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying “are you serious” when asked for the specific Constitutional Authority to pass healthcare legislation. The tenor of her response was clearly, “how dare you ask me that question; don’t you know who I am? I’m Nancy Pelosi and I’m the Speaker of the House and the Congress can do anything it wants and there’s not a darn thing you paean’s can do to stop us.”

Oh Yeah!

So, what should the Tea Party Movement really commit to and what should we do to obtain these goals?

The Tea Party Movement Should:

First, stop focusing on the two-party system. Simply taking over the GOP, as if that could ever really happen, is an extremely time-consuming proposition at best. And even if the Tea Party Movement was successful, when will this “New GOP” start addressing the real problem…BIG GOVERNMENT? We don’t have a lot of times folks, the clock is running.

Second, perhaps we should spend our time coalescing around a few “real change” ideas listed below and strategize on how we get the country back to the Founders original intent. This would necessitate really hard decisions and really hard work, but aren’t our children and grandchildren worth it. Or are we content shifting the chairs around on the Titanic with the current two-party system.

Thus, I present the following list of Really Tough Decisions (RTD’S)!

RTD #1 – Agree that the federal government must be shrunk in accordance with the original meaning of the United States Constitution. To do this, we must demand that some congressperson, any congressperson, introduce legislation to dismantle all entitlement, corporate welfare, and subsidy programs by 2020. This includes, but is not limited to: Social Security, Medicare, SCHIP, Medicaid, Farm Subsidies, and the Earned Income Tax Credit. I suspect we’re all aware that that this will be an incredibly difficult and painful task. But, as we all know, these programs are unsustainable and will eventually engulf the entire federal budget and take more and more from the working public. We’re in a pick your pain moment, I’d prefer to pick the pain that will give us back our liberty.

RTD #2 - Repeal the Tax Payment Act of 1943 and end employer withholding of taxes. This simple act will raise the level of awareness and accountability as each taxpayer is required to pay their taxes on an annual basis via a tax return. When people actually have to write a check to the newly formed Tax Collection Agency (see RTD #3), there will be a much greater interest in how the federal government spends our money. Never forget, the money they spend is ours, not theirs.

RTD #3 - Introduce legislation to change the name of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to the Tax Collection Agency (TCA).

RTD #4 - Introduce a Constitutional Amendment to repeal the 16th Amendment which gives the power of the federal government to tax property (income).

RTD #5 - Introduce a Constitutional Amendment to repeal the 17th Amendment and return to the original design for the State legislatures to appoint Federal Senators, thus giving the States the intended check on Federal legislation.

RTD #6 - Introduce Constitutional Amendments to define the so-called General Welfare, Commerce and Necessary and Proper Clauses in Article 1. Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution in accordance with the original meaning of the words as debated during the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

RTD #7 - Introduce a Constitutional Amendment requiring Congress to not exceed the Enumerated Powers in Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. This Amendment will prevent future Congresses from ever putting the country in jeopardy again as they have now with promises totaling $105 TRILLION dollars…a debt we can never pay.

RTD #8 - Introduce a Constitutional Amendment to require a balanced federal budget with the following exceptions: (a) A properly declared war by the Congress in accordance with the Constitution at which time the increased spending can only occur during the period of the war and shall end within 2 years of the cessation of military activities; (b) Incidences of national security events to which the budget increase may only be appropriated to military expenditures to protect the nation; (c) The balanced budget must be no larger than 5% of GDP.

RTD #9 -Introduce legislation to modify SEC. 5. (b) of the War Powers Act to read: Within sixty calendar days after a report is submitted or is required to be submitted pursuant to section 4(a)(1), whichever is earlier, the President shall terminate any use of United States Armed Forces with respect to which such report was submitted (or required to be submitted), unless the Congress (1) has declared war or has enacted a specific authorization for such use of United States Armed Forces, (2) has extended by law such sixty-day period, or (2) is physically unable to meet as a result of an armed attack upon the United States. Such sixty-day period shall be extended for not more than an additional thirty days if the President determines and certifies to the Congress in writing that unavoidable military necessity respecting the safety of United States Armed Forces requires the continued use of such armed forces in the course of bringing about a prompt removal of such forces within the additional thirty day period.

RTD #10- Support 10th Amendment legislation at the State level ensuring that the people of a particular state have at its disposal the greatest tool of liberty…self determination.

What should the Tea Party be willing to do achieve these goals?

1. Vote against any politician that will not embrace these goals.
2. Encourage and support candidates willing to restore a vision of limited government to our country.
3. Participate in acts of civil disobedience to raise awareness of the tyrannical behavior of the federal government.
4. Urge state legislatures to compel the federal government to stay within the Enumerated Powers of Article 1 Section 8 in compliance with the original meaning of the Founding Fathers using 10th Amendment legislation and other Constitutional Amendment means.
5. Educate, educate, educate on the Founders vision of a very limited federal government.

It’s my belief that the media and two-party system entirely miss the point of the Tea Party Movement. As the Movement coalesces, both should be aware that average Tea Party members:

- Are not content writing letters to our Congressman only to be ignored by them.
- Are not content writing letters to the Editor only to debate the same issue over and over and over again.
- Are not content simply meeting and complaining.
- Will no longer accept political double speak.
- Will no longer allow the federal government to force us to pay for programs that are beyond the Enumerated Powers in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.
- Will not allow the irresponsible federal government to bankrupt our children’s future.
- Will only be satisfied when the federal government is radically shrunk and its influence over the average American and American business has been severely contained in keeping with the Founding Fathers principle of limited government.

In the end, I believe that if the Really Tough Decisions listed above are adopted by the Tea Party Movement, only then will liberty, true liberty, be restored. And should we reach this point of unity it will be with great enthusiasm that the Tea Party Movement will put the the federal government notice; they must prepare for the Sovereign States and We the People to assert our Constitutional rights. This will likely come come in the form of nullification legislation from the states against federal legislation that is not in keeping with their states priorities via the 10th Amendment or proposed Constitutional Amendments.

Failing to understand this misses the entire point of the Tea Party Movement…at everyone’s peril.

(Mark is the co-host of The Forgotten Men radio show Saturdays at 12noon on 930 WFMD and the co-founder of We Surround Them Frederick)

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