Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11th Tea Party Speech "Enemies Within"

September 11th Tea Party Speech "Enemies Within"
by Joshua Lyons

Link to the speech:

Statism is the doctrine of giving a centralized government extensive reign on economic, political, and related controls at the cost of individual liberty. If this sounds familiar, you know…that we have enemies within.

These enemies have infiltrated our party system, our labor unions, and our non-profits. Around the country they have infiltrated our state and local gov’ts – our state legislatures, our city councils, and local Boards of Education. They have infiltrated our US Congress, our federal government agencies, and specialized posts directly appointed by our Executive Branch. I would venture to say that many of these people don’t even know what their participation and actions are producing. But there are many more that do know and are actively working toward systematically revamping our nation. These are the individuals who make statements, as our president did as a candidate on Oct. 30th, 2008. His proclamation was – and I quote – “we are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the Unites States of America.”

The American sleeping giant has finally awoken partly because of these arrogant and blatant statements made in public by the radical proponents of Statism. This is why we are here – this is why we are compelled to gather together. The message of the Tea Party is of our liberties and what we must do to recapture them. The T-E-A acronym in TEA Party has come to be identified with “Taxed Enough Already.” I would like to suggest a new meaning for the T-E-A acronym. Tyranny Exists Already!

Don’t confuse my statement with hyperbole. To do so, would be a great folly and would play right into the hands of our opponents. Tyranny does not always show the familiar face of guillotines and firing squads. Sincere humanitarian concerns that are continuously acted upon for the good of the people (at the expense of their liberty), will only lead us down the path toward happy-faced tyranny. It is our civic duty to root out these acts and hold them up high for all to see. As Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Hate crimes bills, Cap & Trade legislation, Fed wire-tapping of citizens, increased Social programs…
I ask you…WHERE DOES IT STOP?!?!?!? It doesn’t…it won’t…

If we do not fight for liberty now, I see a time in the not too distant future when we will look back and say, “Is the material comfort and superficial security I have – really worth the overbearing regulation and burdensome rules I’m forced to live by?” Let me remind you something Benjamin Franklin wisely said so many years ago, “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.”

If we do not reverse the federal government’s rapid usurpation of power, we will have neither security nor liberty. We will experience a tyranny not seen in our lifetimes.

Washington must stick to the restricted authority that We the People consented to in our Constitution! And our damned state gov’t officials need to do their job and stop the monsters in Washington from stealing power not granted to them!

We would be wise to avoid constantly referring to the current environment as being Communism, Socialism, and Marxism. This is how the other side marginalizes us because the average American is still not plugged in and does not understand what is occurring. What we’re experiencing is Social Democracy. Social Democracy is the use of democratic means to achieve a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism. People…we are in the period between Republic and pick your “ism”

So you ask…who is the enemy within – who are problem? It is the deceptive radicals – these Statists!

They are the radicals!
They are the extremists!
They are ultimately our oppressors!

Those of us who are saying “enough is enough!” are not trying to stop anyone from succeeding; we are solely and uniformly declaring that “we don’t want our country fundamentally transformed!”

We are not opposed to progress…we are opposed to what progress means to the radicals!I say today marks a defining moment. This is the day that we stop throwing around the loose term liberal. That term may encompass the extreme Statists, but it also includes so many people that don’t fit into the real problem group. Think about it…it includes those who simply don’t want to be labeled selfish or intolerant, those who have well intentions and just want to help people…the list goes on. But most of them are the result of the problem, not the root cause. The root cause is the extremists who began this ball rolling at the beginning of the 20th century and continue to push progressivism under the guise of liberalism. We must be specific to call out the right people. Those people who we are in opposition to – we must now properly refer to them as Progressive Radicals!

Sides are being drawn and if we do not begin distinguishing the correct enemy now, we will forever be marginalized and that will lead to their ultimate victory. However, I have faith in this movement…I have faith in you! I know we can make this important distinction and I know we will win!

As I did the last time we gathered…I’ll close with a poem by Milton Mayer that you may know. While you hear this, do not focus on the figure heads of that era or ours…but recall the snowball effect of recent events that began in the fall of 2008 and have gained unprecedented momentum since then.

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then... they came for me...
And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

And so I promise you…I will not be inactive. I will not stay silent.
I will stand up! I will speak up!Because for me and my posterity…there WILL be LIBERTY!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow! Joshua melted the microphone on Friday with this......
